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O Fórum centra-se nas questões de gestão mais relevantes para os gestores de hoje e ajuda os líderes a enfrentar o desafio de liderar as suas equipas e organizações.
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Brené Brown
Professora na Universidade de Houston e autora best-seller
Adam Grant
Groundbreaking organizational psychologist and top-rated professor at Wharton
Simone Biles
The most decorated gymnast of all time
James Clear
Best-selling author of Atomic Habits
Alto Rendimiento
Michael Phelps
Most decorated Olympian of all time
Scott Galloway
Serial entrepreneur, award-winning podcaster and professor at NYU Stern
Seth Godin
One of today’s most influential management thinkers and serial entrepreneur
Innovation: Tesla Case
Jon McNeill
Innovator and former President of Tesla Motors
Peter Diamandis
Fundador e Diretor Executivo da Fundação XPRIZE
Gary Hamel
Um dos pensadores de gestão mais influentes do mundo
AI Strategy
Ayanna Howard
Pioneering innovator, entrepreneur and inventor of robotic technologies and AI for industry
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Michael Phelps
Alto Rendimiento
The most successful Olympian of all time
One of the world’s most admired athletes and the most decorated Olympian of all time, Phelps competed in his first Olympic Games at the age of 15. He has a total of 28 medals, 23 of which are gold. He is the first American male swimmer to earn a spot on five Olympic teams and at the 2016 Olympic Games, he became the oldest individual gold medalist in Olympic swimming history.
In 2008 Phelps created the Michael Phelps Foundation and in 2010, in collaboration with the Michael Phelps Swim School and KidsHealth.org, developed the “im” program that teaches children the importance of being active and healthy, focusing on the sport of swimming. Since retiring from competitive swimming, Phelps has also been actively involved in mental health awareness and promotion.
Sustaining High Performance
- Insights on goal setting and the mindset necessary to prepare for success
- Facing failure and self-doubt: Lessons learnt from when times were toughest
- Staying motivated: Developing the desire to keep setting the bar higher year after year
- The importance of raising awareness around mental health and personal wellbeing to sustain high performance
Ayanna Howard
AI Strategy
A former senior robotics researcher and Mars Exploration research engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Ayanna Howard is the current Dean of Engineering at The Ohio State University. She is the co-founder and board director of Zyrobotics, a STEM education and therapy company that designs products for children with special needs. Foremost authority on human emotion-centered robotic design, her work and accomplishments have been the subject of numerous articles and profiles, including in Time, USA Today and Black Enterprise. Howard is also the author of the best-selling audiobook Sex, Race, and Robots: How to Be Human in the Age of AI.
Make AI Work For Your Business
- How AI and robotics will define the future of businesses across industries: An optimistic approach
- Understanding and mitigating the unintended consequences and ethical challenges of AI
- Leveraging AI for human-centered innovation: Strategies for enhancing productivity and connection
- Diverse teams in AI development: Keys to creating inclusive products
Adam Grant
Adam Grant é um psicólogo organizacional e autor de best-sellers que explora a ciência da motivação, da generosidade, do repensar e do potencial. Professor mais bem classificado da Wharton durante sete anos consecutivos, é o autor nº 1 dos bestsellers do New York Times de seis livros que venderam milhões de exemplares e foram traduzidos para 45 línguas: Hidden Potential, Think Again, Give and Take, Originals, Option B, and Power Moves. Grant obteve um lugar na Wharton quando ainda tinha vinte anos e é um dos principais especialistas em como podemos encontrar motivação e significado, repensar pressupostos e viver vidas mais generosas e criativas.
Desbloquear o potencial oculto para uma liderança excepcional
- Um novo enquadramento para aumentar as aspirações, exceder as expectativas e potenciar os pontos fortes para o sucesso
- Como construir as competências de carácter e as estruturas motivacionais para desenvolver o seu potencial de liderança
- Conceber sistemas para criar oportunidades para aqueles que têm sido subestimados e negligenciados
- Desenvolver as competências necessárias para responder e encontrar forças na adversidade
Brené Brown
Professora na Universidade de Houston e autora best-seller
A Dra. Brené Brown é professora investigadora na Universidade de Houston, onde detém a Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair na Graduate College of Social Work. Também ocupa o cargo de professora visitante de gestão na Universidade do Texas em Austin McCombs School of Business. Brené passou as últimas duas décadas a estudar a coragem, a vulnerabilidade, a vergonha e a empatia. É autora de seis best sellers nº 1 do New York Times e é a anfitriã de dois podcasts premiados, Unlocking Us Dare to Lead. Brené passa a maior parte do seu tempo a trabalhar em organizações de todo o mundo, ajudando a desenvolver líderes mais corajosos e culturas mais corajosas.
A coragem de liderar
- Como construir a força e a confiança necessária para liderar
- Liderança blindada VS. liderança ousada
- O papel da curiosidade e da humildade na resistência mental
Scott Galloway
Scott Galloway, an influential expert in brand strategy, is the clinical professor at the NYU Stern School of Business, a position he has held for more than twenty years. He is also a tech entrepreneur who founded several firms, including L2, Red Envelope, and Prophet Brand Strategy. Galloway is the author of several New York Times bestselling books, including The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity. Recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the “Global Leaders of Tomorrow,” he has advised prominent brands and organizations such as Gateway Inc. and Urban Outfitters.
The Future of Strategy: Navigating Trends to Discover Creative Solutions
- Cuts through the noise: The products and trends that are receiving too much vs. too little attention and investment
- Creative solutions that will shape the future across various sectors over the next decade and beyond
- AI Strategy: Its rise, impact, driving innovation, and creating new opportunities
- What winning brands have in common and how to implement their strategies
Seth Godin
Seth Godin is one of the most inspiring, influential, and creative business thinkers of our time. Author of 22 international bestselling books translated into 39 languages, Godin covers a wide range of topics from creativity and change processes to how ideas are transmitted. Notable works include Purple Cow Linchpin, and his most recent book, This Is Strategy: Make Better Plans. A serial entrepreneur, Godin also writes one of the world’s most prestigious and widely read blogs, where he publishes daily insights on management and the digital world.
Leading Creativity through the Pursuit of the Unconventional
- The importance of “doing work that matters”: Creating value and impact rather than following trends
- Keys to embracing originality and breaking away from conventional norms
- The skills and characteristics needed to consistently and effectively push creative boundaries
- How to promote a mindset of lifelong learning and curiosity to keep ideas fresh and innovative
- How creativity connects with marketing and is the act of solving interesting problems
Simone Biles
Widely regarded as the greatest gymnast of all time, Simone Biles has revolutionized the sport with her extraordinary skill, and in the process has become a symbol of resilience, humility, and advocacy for mental health. She has captured six All-Around World Championship titles, making her the most decorated gymnast in World Championships history with 30 medals, including 23 gold. An eleven-time Olympic medalist, Biles’ technical prowess has led to an unprecedented five gymnastic skills being named after her. Her autobiography, Courage to Soar, became a New York Times bestseller, and her remarkable story was brought to life in the Netflix series Simone Biles Rising. She also supports initiatives that help young people in foster care and adoption systems.
Rising Stronger: Well-Being, Performance, and the Road to Greatness
- Facing failure and self-doubt: Lessons learnt from when times were toughest
- The importance of raising awareness around mental health and personal wellbeing to sustain high performance
- Knowing when to step back, recover, and rise stronger: Keys to achieving greatness
- Managing pressure and prioritizing self-care while in the spotlight
James Clear
James Clear is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits, a transformative book that has sold over 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 60 languages. Clear’s work delves deeply into behavioral psychology, addressing the profound question, “How can we live better?” with actionable, research-based strategies that resonate across cultures and industries. He is also the creator of the 3-2-1 weekly newsletter, which reaches over 3 million email subscribers and offers distilled wisdom on habits, decision-making, and self-improvement.
Confiar e inspirar para despertar a grandeza nos outros
- Research-based, proven strategies to build good habits and break bad ones
- The laws of behavior change: Key strategies for getting 1% better every day
- Overcome a lack of motivation and willpower: Building systems for success even when you’re not feeling motivated
- Identity-based habits: Shifting your mindset to create lasting change
- How to overcome procrastination and build consistency through small, daily actions
Peter Diamandis
Fundador e Diretor Executivo da Fundação XPRIZE
Um dos 50 melhores líderes do mundo pela Fortune e criador de mais de 20 empresas, Peter Diamandis é um exemplo de inovação e liderança em sectores tão diversos como a ciência, a medicina e a educação. Diamandis é o fundador e presidente executivo da Fundação XPRIZE, uma organização cujo lema é alcançar avanços benéficos para a humanidade através do desenvolvimento tecnológico e da inovação. É também o fundador da Singularity University.
Como empresário, este licenciado em Medicina de Harvard é cofundador da BOLD Capital Partners, um fundo de risco com um investimento de 250 milhões de dólares em tecnologias exponenciais; e cofundador e vice-presidente da Celularity, uma empresa de biotecnologia centrada na investigação de novas terapias para o cancro, doenças degenerativas e infecciosas. É também o autor de Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, BOLD: How to go Big, Create Wealth Impact the World The Future is Faster Than You Think. Mais recentemente, Diamandis co-escreveu o bestseller LIFE FORCE com Tony Robbins
Tecnologias exponenciais: oportunidades e desafios
- Os efeitos da IA, da robótica e da realidade virtual no encontro com a impressão 3D, a cadeia de blocos e as redes globais gigabit
- Como é que esta convergência afectará as principais indústrias
- Como irá mudar a forma como educamos os nossos filhos, governamos as nossas nações e cuidamos do nosso planeta
- As meta-tendências que vão transformar as empresas e o mundo
Gary Hamel
Gary Hamel é um dos pensadores empresariais mais influentes do mundo, que liderou a transformação de algumas das empresas mais proeminentes do mundo, ajudando a criar milhares de milhões de dólares em valor para os acionistas. Hamel leccionou na London Business School durante mais de quatro décadas e dirige atualmente o Laboratório de Gestão da mesma instituição. É autor de livros de referência como Competindo Pelo Futuro, O Futuro da Gestão e Humanocracia: Criando Organizações Tão Incríveis Quanto as Pessoas que as Formam. A carreira profissional de Hamel foi reconhecida pelo The Wall Street Journal e pela Fortune, entre outros, que o descreveram como um dos maiores especialistas em estratégia empresarial.
Estratégias para criar uma Vantagem Evolutiva
- Como construir uma organização capaz de evoluir ao ritmo da mudança
- Porque é que as empresas devem promover os princípios da experimentação, transparência, meritocracia, liberdade e coragem
- Adotar uma estratégia aberta: o desafio de tirar partido da inteligência colectiva na sua organização
- Como transformar a inovação numa competência estratégica: uma abordagem holística para promover a inovação
Jon McNeill
Innovation: Tesla Case
A visionary leader and serial entrepreneur, Jon McNeill teaches organizations how to exponentially scale businesses and drive disruptive innovation. As former President of Tesla, he oversaw a 10-fold increase in sales from $2 billion to $20 billion in just three years. In 2018, he became COO at ride-hailing app Lyft, where he helped prepare the company to go public, growing revenue from $800 million to $2 billion in the process.
Currently, McNeill is a Managing Director at DVx Ventures, a growth-stage venture platform, and serves on several boards of companies including General Motors, Lululemon and Stash Financial.
Lessons on Transformation and Growth from Inside Tesla
- Disruption, transformation and the Tesla case: The electric car everyone is watching
- Sleeping in the Tesla factory: Experiences and lessons learned with Elon Musk
- How to generate a culture of trust and accountability among employees
- Detecting and promoting disruptive and transformative ideas within your organisation: How to create an idea’s factory