Expo Santa Fe, CDMX
4 & 5 November 2025
Expo Santa Fe, CDMX
4 & 5 November 2025

James Clear
Best-selling author of Atomic Habits

Amy Cuddy
Social psychologist, award-winning Harvard lecturer, and bestselling author

Wellbeing & Performance
Elizabeth Dunn
Especialista no estudo da felicidade e do bem-estar na University of British Columbia

Peter Diamandis
Fundador e Diretor Executivo da Fundação XPRIZE

Mexico & the Global Economy
Nouriel Roubini
Economista de renome e professor emérito da Stern School of Business

Customer Experience Strategy
Jesús Cochegrús
Entrepreneur and expert in technology and transformation

Javier Fernández Aguado
President of MindValue, coach and leading expert in organizational management
Since 2004, the World Business Forum Mexico gathers thousands of senior executives to learn from a program of world-class business thought leaders.
O Fórum centra-se nas questões de gestão mais relevantes para os gestores de hoje e ajuda os líderes a enfrentar o desafio de liderar as suas equipas e organizações.
Por Que Assistir?
Aprender com líderes e especialistas reconhecidos.
A curated program that tackles today’s most pressingleadership challenges head-on.
Superchange your organization.
Ideias transformadoras e a inspiração para as concretizar.
Expandir a sua rede.
Rub shoulders with over 2,000 decision-makers, innovators, and industry leaders.
The Next Evolution Of WOBI Is Here.
Introducing WOBI Membership, your annual subscription to the world’s best management content and a global community of senior executives.
Your WOBI Membership Includes Access To:
- WORLD BUSINESS FORUM MExico 2025 in person
- Year-Round Digital Content
- networking opportunities
Your ticket to WOBI’s annual flagship event. Two days of ideas and inspiration while expanding your professional network.
Watch full sessions and highlights from all this year’s World Business Forums from around the globe.
*Available for 30 days on demand after event date.
Contenido exclusivo de líderes de pensamiento en management de todo el mundo cuidadosamente seleccionado y producido en múltiples formatos.
Join local in-person content and networking events to connect and share experiences with other leaders.
Form part of an exclusive community of business leaders from around the world.
wobi membership Gold
$ 2,500USD+VAT
Offer Valid Until February 28th
What’s Included
Access to World Business Forum México 2025
Watch World Business Forums Worldwide On Demand
Explore WOBI’s Digital Content Library
Exclusive networking opportunities
A Global Executive Community
Welcome Kit
Access to the conferences and exhibition area
Tradução simultânea
Coffee breaks and meals
Certificate of attendance
wobi membership PLATINUM
$ 2,800USD+VAT
Offer Valid Until February 28th
What’s Included
All WOBI Membership
Gold Benefits
Premium Welcome Kit
Preferential Seating
Networking Lunch with Speaker
wobi membership Gold
Offer Valid Until February 28th
What’s Included
Access to World Business Forum México 2025
Watch World Business Forums Worldwide On Demand
Explore WOBI’s Digital Content Library
Exclusive networking opportunities
A Global Executive Community
Welcome Kit
Access to the conferences and exhibition area
Tradução simultânea
Coffee breaks and meals
Certificate of attendance
wobi membership PLATINUM
Offer Valid Until February 28th
What’s Included
All WOBI Membership
Gold Benefits
Premium Welcome Kit
Preferential Seating
Networking Lunch with Speaker
wobi membership Gold
$1,233USD+VAT c/u
Offer Valid Until February 28th
What’s Included
Access to World Business Forum México 2025
Watch World Business Forums Worldwide On Demand
Explore WOBI’s Digital Content Library
Exclusive networking opportunities
A Global Executive Community
Welcome Kit
Access to the conferences and exhibition area
Tradução simultânea
Coffee breaks and meals
Certificate of attendance
wobi membership PLATINUM
$1,578USD+VAT c/u
Offer Valid Until February 28th
What’s Included
All WOBI Membership
Gold Benefits
Premium Welcome Kit
Preferential Seating
Networking Lunch with Speaker
Bring your teams
For more than 10 WOBI Memberships
Contact us at:
WOBI Membership Benefits
What is WOBI Membership?
WOBI Membership is an exclusive subscription service that provides year-round access to learning, inspiration, and networking opportunities for business leaders.
What is included?
– Access to the World Business Forum – your ticket to WOBI’s annual flagship event
– Watch all World Business Forum 2024 worldwide on demand until December 31st plus highlights, summaries and the best moments of our events around the globe
- Acceso completo a la biblioteca de contenido digital de WOBI, actualizado continuamente con las ideas de los líderes globales de management
– Up-to-Date content and inspiration
– Exclusive networking opportunities – content and networking events
– Be a part of a global executive community
Why WOBI Membership and not just my ticket for the World Business Forum?
We wanted to extend your 2-day ticket to World Business Forum into a 365-days a year experience. That is why, when purchasing your World Business Forum, your automacally, and at no additional cost, become a WOBI Member, accessing to our year-round, inspirational and networking resources & opportunities.
How do I access WOBI events on demand?
With WOBI Membership, you can watch full sessions from the 2024 event until December 15th and highlights from World Business Forum events worldwide on demand through our digital platform up to 30 days after the in-person event finishes.
How long will I be able to watch the On Demand full keynotes of World Business Forum around the world?
You will have access to the full keynotes of the World Business Forum on demand until December 15th. After that, you’ll still be able to enjoy an exclusive, curated selection of highlights, as well as the special compilation program, The Best of World Business Forum Worldwide 2024. Of course, if you purchase your ticket after December 15th 2024, you’ll be able to access to all full 2025 World Business Forums.
How often is the content in the Digital Content Library updated?
The content is continuously updated with new materials from WOBI’s events and global experts.
Are networking opportunities included in WOBI Membership?
Yes! Outsides of networking opportunities during World Business Forum, members can participate in exclusive local content and networking events designed to foster connections with other business leaders.
Can I access WOBI Membership from any location?
Yes, WOBI Membership is accessible globally, and members can engage with the content and community from anywhere in the world.
What are the benefits of the WOBI Membership community?
Access to the World Business Forum 2025
– Your ticket to WOBI’s annual flagship event. Two days of ideas and inspiration while expanding your professional network.
Exclusive Networking Opportunities
– Join local in-person content networking events to connect and share experiences with other leaders
A Global Executive Community
– Form part of an exclusive community of business leaders from around the world
What if I don’t live in any of those countries and therefore cannot enjoy the World Business Forum in-person benefit?
We know that not everyone can attend our World Business Forums in person, that is why we have created an all-digital WOBI Membership that will allow you to enjoy all of our World Business Forum’s online and on demand.
How will I access my WOBI Membership?
You can access both, from any device:
Access the web version here
And download Mobile APP
Once you are there, you’ll find an icon for WOBI Membership, just login with your credentials and start enjoying your benefits.
How does group membership work, and when do beneficiaries get access?
After purchasing group memberships, you’ll need to decide who within your company will be the beneficiaries. Your WOBI account manager will assist you in assigning these memberships, ensuring that the selected individuals can start enjoying the benefits of WOBI Membership right away.
What if I’ve already purchased a 2025 World Business Forum ticket?
If you’ve already purchased a ticket for the 2025 World Business Forum, you’ll automatically get your WOBI Membership. Your account manager will help you assign the membership to yourself or others within your company so you can start enjoying the benefits right away.
Subscription & Duration
How can I subscribe to WOBI Membership?
You can easily subscribe to WOBI Membership through our website by following the steps provided during checkout. Alternatively, if you’re part of a group or corporate package, you can contact your account manager to assist with the process.
What payment methods are available?
We offer flexible payment options, including paying by card or direct debit, which will be charged based on your preferred payment schedule. You can choose to pay for your membership either yearly or monthly, depending on what works best for you.
When does my WOBI Membership start?
Your WOBI Membership starts as soon as your purchase is confirmed. For presale purchases, access to membership benefits will be available immediately upon confirmation, and ticket nominations for events will be required ahead of the event dates.
How long does a WOBI Membership last?
A WOBI Membership typically lasts one year from the date of purchase until the next year’s event.
Renewal & Cancellation
How do I renew my WOBI Membership?
Las opciones de renovación de la membresía estarán disponibles en la configuración de tu cuenta, y tu ejecutivo de cuenta asignado se pondrá en contacto contigo antes de la renovación. Recibirás un recordatorio para renovar antes de que finalice tu suscripción.
How does automatic renewal work? Will members be notified before renewal?
You’ll be able to choose between on time purchase or automatic renewals if you like to ensure continued access to all membership benefits. Members will receive a notification before the renewal charge is processed, giving them the opportunity to opt out if they choose if they want to renew.
Can I cancel my WOBI Membership?
You can cancel your membership anytime. Cancellations are eligible for a full refund within 15 days of subscription. If you wish to cancel your membership after the 15 days we will refund you a proportionate amount equivalent to the time remaining in your membership.
Refunds are not applicable in the 45 days before the World Business Forum or if you have already attended the World Business Forum.
Will I receive a refund if I cancel my WOBI Membership?
Subscribers will be able to cancel their Membership by submitting a written cancellation notice to WOBI within 45 (forty-five) days prior to the date of the World Business Forum event.
WOBI will process a refund to the subscriber in accordance to these calculations:
WOBI will divide the yearly amount paid for the acquisition of its Membership into 12 (twelve) equal instalments, so the amount to be refunded by WOBI will be the result of multiplying the value of 1 (one) instalment times the remaining months of the Membership’s term.
The Membership is non-refundable once the subscriber has attended the corresponding World Business Forum.
If cancellation submission complies with all the aforementioned requirements, WOBI will process the refund within 30 (thirty) calendar days following receipt of the submission.
What happens If I cannot attend the World Business Forum?
Your World Business Forum ticket can be transferred to next year’s event, allowing you to bring an additional person to share the experience with you. This benefit is available as long as you maintain your active WOBI membership for the following year. Your previous ticket will be honored only with an active membership subscription.
If I sign up for example in July and attend the World Business Forum in November, when will my membership renew?
Your membership will last for one full year from the date of sign-up. So, if you sign up in July and attend the World Business Forum in November, your membership won’t renew until July of the following year, ensuring you receive the full 12 months of benefits.
Offer Valid Until February 28th

Elizabeth Dunn
Wellbeing & Performance
A Dra. Elizabeth Dunn é professora de Psicologia na University of British Columbia e uma das maiores especialistas no estudo da forma como o tempo, o dinheiro e a tecnologia influenciam a felicidade. O seu trabalho de investigação foi publicado em revistas de renome - incluindo três artigos na Science - e foi apresentado em meios de comunicação internacionais como The New York Times, The Atlantic e CNN. Dunn é coautora do livro Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending, que foi reconhecido pelo Washington Post como leitura essencial para os líderes.
Unlocking Happiness and Connection in the Workplace
- Como aumentar a felicidade dos funcionários em um ambiente de trabalho em evolução
- Porque é que as ligações pessoais são um recurso valioso para as organizações, especialmente em tempos difíceis, e como as construir
- Como as interacções geradas artificialmente afetam as emoções, as relações sociais
- Equilíbrio entre a tecnologia e o fator humano: uma competência essencial para as empresas incorporarem eficazmente as ferramentas de IA na sua estratégia

Peter Diamandis
Fundador e Diretor Executivo da Fundação XPRIZE
Um dos 50 melhores líderes do mundo pela Fortune e criador de mais de 20 empresas, Peter Diamandis é um exemplo de inovação e liderança em sectores tão diversos como a ciência, a medicina e a educação. Diamandis é o fundador e presidente executivo da Fundação XPRIZE, uma organização cujo lema é alcançar avanços benéficos para a humanidade através do desenvolvimento tecnológico e da inovação. É também o fundador da Singularity University.
Como empresário, este licenciado em Medicina de Harvard é cofundador da BOLD Capital Partners, um fundo de risco com um investimento de 250 milhões de dólares em tecnologias exponenciais; e cofundador e vice-presidente da Celularity, uma empresa de biotecnologia centrada na investigação de novas terapias para o cancro, doenças degenerativas e infecciosas. É também o autor de Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, BOLD: How to go Big, Create Wealth Impact the World The Future is Faster Than You Think. Mais recentemente, Diamandis co-escreveu o bestseller LIFE FORCE com Tony Robbins
Tecnologias exponenciais: oportunidades e desafios
- Os efeitos da IA, da robótica e da realidade virtual no encontro com a impressão 3D, a cadeia de blocos e as redes globais gigabit
- Como é que esta convergência afectará as principais indústrias
- Como irá mudar a forma como educamos os nossos filhos, governamos as nossas nações e cuidamos do nosso planeta
- As meta-tendências que vão transformar as empresas e o mundo

Amy Cuddy
A game-changing Social Psychologist, former Professor at Harvard Business School and bestselling author, Amy Cuddy is recognised as a leading authority on the behavioural science of power, presence, and prejudice. As a Harvard Lecturer, in 2018 she won the Excellence in Teaching award.
She is the author of Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, and her highly-cited research has been published in top academic journals and a range of internationally-known publications like The Economist, The Wall Street Journal and Fast Company. Cuddy is a passionate proponent of self-empowerment through evidence-based techniques, and her work is dedicated to motivating others to summon their best selves in approaching life’s biggest challenges.
Empowering People to Perform at their Highest Potential
- Analyzing the traits, behaviors and practices necessary to perform under conditions of stress and uncertainty
- Harnessing the power of presence to help you and your team perform at the highest levels of confidence
- Building the trust necessary to facilitate the communication and absorption of ideas
- Combating prejudice: Exploring the anatomy of bias at work

James Clear
James Clear is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits, a transformative book that has sold over 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 60 languages. Clear’s work delves deeply into behavioral psychology, addressing the profound question, “How can we live better?” with actionable, research-based strategies that resonate across cultures and industries. He is also the creator of the 3-2-1 weekly newsletter, which reaches over 3 million email subscribers and offers distilled wisdom on habits, decision-making, and self-improvement.
Confiar e inspirar para despertar a grandeza nos outros
- Research-based, proven strategies to build good habits and break bad ones
- The laws of behavior change: Key strategies for getting 1% better every day
- Overcome a lack of motivation and willpower: Building systems for success even when you’re not feeling motivated
- Identity-based habits: Shifting your mindset to create lasting change
- How to overcome procrastination and build consistency through small, daily actions

Noriel Roubini
Mexico & The Global Economy
Economista de renome e professor emérito da Stern School of Business
Nouriel Roubini é um economista de renome mundial, diretor executivo da empresa de consultoria global Roubini Macro Associates, LLC, e professor emérito da Stern School of Business da Universidade de Nova Iorque. Roubini é mais conhecido por ter previsto a crise financeira de 2008 dois anos antes da sua ocorrência. Fê-lo em 2006, num discurso no Fundo Monetário Internacional. Tem também experiência política, tendo sido consultor do Fundo Monetário Internacional e do Banco Mundial, entre outras instituições públicas e privadas. Autor de vários bestsellers, o seu último livro é Mega-ameaças.
Globalização, tecnologia e desafios económicos
- Tecnologias disruptivas e seu impacto na economia global: desafios e oportunidades da IA
- Globalização e desafios económicos: uma perspetiva para o futuro
- Estratégias empresariais e governamentais para lidar com o complexo panorama geopolítico e económico
- Mega-ameaças: como identificá-las e evitá-las no futuro

Javier Fernández Aguado
Javier Fernández Aguado is considered one of the leading experts in organizational management and leadership. He has advised and trained executives in more than five hundred organizations around the world, including Coca-Cola, Grupo Santander, Hertz and Nestlé. As the President of MindValue, he helps managers and organizations develop leadership strategies that boost team performance.
Fernández Aguado has published more than thirty books, including Liderar en un mundo imperfecto, Roma, escuela de directivos El idioma del liderazgo. In 2008, he received the Peter Drucker Award for Innovation in Management for his study Patologías en las organizaciones.
Empowering Talent in Times of Uncertainty
Strategic Leadership for Thriving in Uncertain Times
- Leading teams to achieve the best results in VUCA environments
- Identifying and managing the most frequent emotions in the business environment
- Detecting the most common “pathologies” in today’s organizations
- Strategic reflections to face the challenges of the economy of the future

Jesús Cochegrús
Customer Experience Strategy
An entrepreneur, computer science engineer, and expert in technology and transformation, Jesús Cochegrús has devoted most of his professional career to the gaming industry, focusing on customer engagement, innovation, and idea development. His work explores innovative ways to leverage technology to strengthen customer relationships and foster enduring brand loyalty.
Cochegrús is the former CEO of Kaxan, the first Mexican company to be approved as an authorized developer for Nintendo Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation. He is also the founder of eMotion Interactive, which has developed projects for companies such as Nike, Coca-Cola, and Siemens, and many others.
Driving Customer Engagement with AI
- Enhancing customer engagement with AI: Delivering personalized experiences that consistently exceed client expectations
- AI with a human-centric approach: Rethinking corporate strategies to use AI for fostering empathy and building genuine relationships with clients
- Combining technology and psychology to understand and predict customer needs
- Building customer trust and loyalty in an ever-evolving and competitive business environment
Globally recognized expert in customer experience and AI at MIT Sloan
A globally-recognized thinker on how AI affects human judgment, Renée Richardson Gosline is an award-winning Research Scientist and Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and the head of the Human-First AI group at MIT’s Initiative on The Digital Economy. Named a Digital Fellow at Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab, Gosline has also been recognized as one of the World’s Top 40 Professors under 40 by Poets and Quants, and as “one of the brightest minds in AI” by Inc. Magazine in 2024. Her research specializes in AI CX strategy, creating a culture of experimentation, and Responsible AI. She is the author of the forthcoming book, In Praise of Friction.
Human-Centered AI for a Breakthrough Customer Experience
- Key principles of a successful customer experience strategy: Balancing data-driven insights with human emotion
- Finding the friction sweet spot: Why friction can be good and how to harness its power for a seamless customer journey
- Ethical AI and inclusive leadership: Strategies to craft unbiased, customer-centric experiences that resonate with all clients
- Cultivating a culture of innovation through behavioral science and human-centered AI
A renowned expert on organizational learning and leadership and the world’s #1 ranked management thinker, Amy Edmondson has been studying psychological safety and workplace behaviors for more than 20 years. The Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, Edmondson helps organizations identify barriers to success that are often hidden inside a workplace culture. Her work has helped major firms vastly improve performance by building an environment of psychological safety, transparency and collaborative teaming.
She is the bestselling author of The Fearless Organization, and the recently published Right Kind of Wrong, which won the Financial Times Business Book of the Year 2023.
Psychological Safety: Unlocking Growth Through Intelligent Failure
- How to nurture an environment where employees feel safe and empowered
- Improve learning, cooperation and performance by fostering a culture of psychological safety
- How leaders can transform their perspective on setbacks by embracing the intelligent failures that are vital to innovation
- Tailored practices, skills and mindsets for taking smart risks and using mistakes as springboards for profound learning and competitive differentiation
Músico e especialista em empreendedorismo, inovação e virtuosismo
With more than 25 years of entrepreneurial and senior management experience, Felipe Gómez has developed a powerful set of proven tools that helps leaders, teams and organizations to reach extraordinary performance. Leveraging his passion for music and with a grand piano on stage, Felipe will inspire his audience and provide tools to consistently aim for operational excellence, create meaningful connections and build effective cultures of innovation. Gómez is the author of the best-selling book, Attitude-E: The Method for Being Entrepreneurial and Fulfilling your Dreams.
O poder do Virtuosismo
- What it means to be a virtuoso and why it’s a critical quality for organizations in today’s world
- As chaves para sermos “virtuosos” em tudo o que fazemos
- A atitude e as estratégias que os líderes e as empresas devem adotar para alcançar o sucesso
- A importância de aperfeiçoar os nossos métodos, de estarmos mais conscientes das atitudes que adotamos e de fazermos tudo o que fazemos com amor e paixão
Consistently recognized over the past decade as one of the world’s top global executives, Angela Ahrendts DBE is best known for her tenure as Senior Vice President at Apple Retail and for her nine years as CEO at Burberry. At Apple, Ahrendts was responsible for integrating Apple’s physical and digital businesses, creating a seamless customer journey for over a billion visitors a year and re-crafting roles for 70,000 employees globally. At Burberry she transformed the fortunes of the brand, tripling the business and quadrupling the share price with a focus on culture and values. Ahrendts is currently Chair of the Board of Save the Children and a member of the Board of Directors of Ralph Lauren Corp., Airbnb, WPP, and charity: water.
Leading Change with Humility, Humanity and Heart
- Connecting with people in a way that encourages everyone to shape the future of the organization
- How to convey complex ideas with clarity and authenticity to foster alignment and shared purpose within organizations
- Amplifying human attributes in an artificial world: A new paradigm of leadership to thrive in the age of AI
- Leveraging technology to unleash a new wave of creativity and innovation