Organizado por WOBI en las principales ciudades del mundo, el World Business Forum reúne a miles de directivos para aprender de los líderes y expertos más influyentes en gestión empresarial.
Se centra en los temas de management más relevantes para los directivos de hoy en día y los ayuda a enfrentarse a los retos de dirigir a sus equipos y organizaciones.
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Nuestra inspiración para 2024: Empoderamiento a través del Propósito+
En 2023, el World Business Forum puso el foco en cómo el propósito puede ayudar a las empresas a navegar estas aguas inexploradas del cambio. Sin embargo, solo rozamos la superficie. Al profundizar aún más, se hace evidente que la importancia del propósito va mucho más allá de los que podamos imaginar. Un gran liderazgo está, en gran medida, intrínsecamente ligado al propósito.
Amplía tu visión estratégica de la mano de otros líderes y visionariosAdquiere ideas e insights para impulsar tus habilidades interpersonalesConecta con otros pioneros que están revolucionando los mercados y redefiniendo las normas del sector
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President of the European Central Bank (2011-2019) and Prime Minister of Italy (2021-2022)
Mario Draghi fue presidente del Consejo de Ministros de Italia desde febrero de 2021 to October 2022. His tenure as Prime Minister was defined by many memorable achievements, most notably including the fight to end the Covid-19 pandemic, his leadership of the Next Generation EU initiative, and his solidarity with the Ukrainian people during the ongoing war with Russia. Dr. Draghi was President of the European Central Bank (ECB) from November 2011 to November 2019 and is widely credited with saving the Eurozone.
Over his eight-year term, the monetary policy of the ECB led the Eurozone into an expansion with the creation of 13 million jobs, and the European stock market rising by two-thirds. Prior to 2011, Dr. Draghi served as Governor of the Banca d’Italia and Chairman of the Financial Stability Board that crafted for the governments of the G-7 countries the first regulatory response to the global financial crisis.
Liderazgo en el ecosistema político y económico actual
- Liderazgo e incertidumbre: estrategias para liderar en tiempos de crisis
- Cómo afrontar las presiones geopolíticas, económicas y culturales para continuar fortaleciendo la influencia europea a nivel global
- Las claves para incrementar el potencial del crecimiento económico de Europa
- Las implicaciones del nuevo orden mundial para las organizaciones: China, Reino Unido, Ucrania y Oriente Medio, y sus repercusiones en Europa
Bestselling Author and Founder of The Optimism Company
Simon Sinek is an unshakeable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Sinek has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are, and end the day fulfilled by the work they do.
He continues to share inspiration through his bestselling books, including Start with WHY, Leaders Eat Last y The Infinite Game, as well as his podcast, A Bit of Optimism. In addition, Sinek is the Founder of The Optimism Company, a leadership learning and development company, and he publishes other inspiring thinkers and doers through his publishing partnership with Penguin Random House called Optimism Press.
Leading and Managing Talent Through the Infinite Game
- Explore a new way of looking at your leadership, your organization, and the environment in which it operates
- Practices to maintain and rebuild trust, and how to avoid breaking it
- Learn how to build stronger relationships, which are the basis for the The Courage to Lead
- How to combat the inevitable stresses and dangers that threaten your organization, team, and each individual in your charge
Francis Ford Coppola is a highly renowned film director, producer, and screenwriter. He has won multiple prestigious awards, including five Academy Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, two Palmes d’Or, and a British Academy Film Award (BAFTA). Coppola’s most notable films, such as The Godfather trilogy – which transformed the gangster genre – and Apocalypse Now, have established him as one of the most significant filmmakers in American history.
His latest film, Megalopolis, is due to be released in 2024. Apart from his filmmaking career, Coppola has expanded his horizons into the wine and hospitality industry, establishing the Francis Ford Coppola Presents brand, which offers various resorts, cafes, and wineries located in California, Guatemala, and Belize.
Leading Creativity: Lessons from a Master Director
- The skills and characteristics needed to consistently and effectively push creative boundaries
- Producing award-winning performances: How to identify and get the best out of your talent
- A different approach for dealing with doubt, uncertainty and failure
- The evolution of storytelling: Keys to develop powerful stories that capture people’s imaginations
Líder transformacional y ex CEO de AT&T Business
Anne Chow es una figura pionera en el mundo de los negocios, con una destacada carrera que abarca más de 30 años. Fue la primera mujer CEO de origen no caucásico en la historia de AT&T, de más de 140 años. Durante su mandato supervisó AT&T Business, una unidad operativa global con un equipo de más de 35,000 personas y un valor de $35 mil millones. Chow ha sido ampliamente reconocida por su liderazgo inclusivo, impulsando el éxito en la intersección de las personas, la cultura y la tecnología. Actualmente, es Directora Principal en la Junta Directiva de FranklinCovey y forma parte de la Junta Directiva de 3M. Además, es profesora adjunta de Educación Ejecutiva en Kellogg School of Management de la Universidad Northwestern y ha sido nombrada dos veces en la lista Fortune de las Mujeres Más Poderosas en los Negocios.
The Challenge of Realizing the Full Potential of Our Organizations
- Por qué el rendimiento gira en torno a la cultura: la importancia de la confianza y la transparencia en las relaciones laborales
- How our paradigms set us up for success – personally, professionally, and as a society
- Identificar los sesgos inconscientes con empatía y curiosidad: la clave para desbloquear el potencial de sus equipos
- Herramientas para reconocer y superar estos sesgos, dejando atrás los pensamientos inconscientes
Modupe Akinola is a leading authority on organizational performance and diversity, and an Associate Professor of Management at Columbia Business School. She advises leaders on managing stress, diversity, equity, inclusion initiatives and women’s leadership and her research on stress and discrimination has been published in numerous academic journals and media outlets, including The New York Times, Forbes, and The Economist.
Before becoming an academic, Akinola was the head of diversity at Bain & Co., where she contributed to the organization’s recruitment and retention framework for people of color. She earned her Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Harvard.
Driving Organizational Performance and Diversity
- Strategies organizations can employ to increase the diversity of their talent pool
- The biases that affect the recruitment and retention of women and people of color in companies
- How organizational environments can engender stress and the impact on individual and organizational performance
- Building businesses that increase employees’ productivity, enhance their creativity, and improve health outcomes
Chris Gardner es empresario, filántropo y autor de los best sellers aclamados por la crítica En busca de la felicidad y Comienza donde estás: Lecciones de vida que te llevarán desde donde te encuentras hasta donde quieras llegar. Gardner fue productor ejecutivo de la icónica adaptación cinematográfica de su libro En busca de la felicidad, protagonizada por Will Smith. La historia de Gardner es un ejemplo de superación y esfuerzo, ya que gracias a su positividad, coraje y disciplina, pasó de vivir en la calle a convertirse en una de las figuras más reconocidas de Wall Street, fundando su propia empresa de corretaje.
Liderando la transformación organizacional
- De vivir en la calle a trabajar en Wall Street: lecciones de vida sobre cómo hacer frente a las adversidades y superar obstáculos
- Hacer posible lo imposible: qué es el empoderamiento personal y cómo desarrollarlo
- Claves para salir del bucle y abrir la puerta a nuevas oportunidades
- La filosofía de vida para sobrellevar tiempos difíciles y tener una vida exitosa y plena
Uno de los pensadores de management más influyentes del mundo
Gary Hamel es uno de los pensadores empresariales más influyentes, que ha liderado la transformación de algunas de las empresas más destacadas del mundo, contribuyendo a la creación de miles de millones de dólares en valor para los accionistas. Hamel ha ejercido la docencia en London Business School durante más de cuatro décadas y, actualmente, dirige Management Lab en la misma institución. Además, es autor de libros de referencia como Compitiendo por el futuro The Future of Management y y Humanocracia: Creando organizaciones tan extraordinarias como las personas que las integran. La trayectoria profesional de Hamel ha sido reconocida por The Wall Street Journal y Fortune, entre otros, quienes lo han calificado como uno de los mayores expertos en estrategia empresarial.
Innovación y estrategia para crear una Ventaja Evolutiva
- Cómo construir una organización capaz de evolucionar al ritmo del cambio
- Por qué las empresas deben impulsar los principios de experimentación, transparencia, meritocracia, libertad y coraje
- Adoptar una estrategia abierta: el desafío de potenciar la inteligencia colectiva en su organización
- Cómo convertir la innovación en una competencia central estratégica: un enfoque holístico para favorecer la innovación
Innovator and former President of Tesla Motors
A visionary leader and serial entrepreneur, Jon McNeill teaches organizations how to exponentially scale businesses and drive disruptive innovation. As former President of Tesla, he oversaw a 10-fold increase in sales from $2 billion to $20 billion in just three years. In 2018, he became COO at ride-hailing app Lyft, where he helped prepare the company to go public, growing revenue from $800 million to $2 billion in the process.
Currently, McNeill is a Managing Director at DVx Ventures, a growth-stage venture platform, and serves on several boards of companies including General Motors, Lululemon and Stash Financial.
Lessons on Transformation and Growth from Inside Tesla
- Disruption, transformation and the Tesla case: The electric car everyone is watching
- Sleeping in the Tesla factory: Experiences and lessons learned with Elon Musk
- How to generate a culture of trust and accountability among employees
- Detecting and promoting disruptive and transformative ideas within your organization: How to create an ideas factory
- Taking risks: When it is time to move from analysis to action
Widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis players in history, Andre Agassi amassed an impressive record of 60 men’s singles titles, which included capturing eight Grand Slam championships, during his illustrious 20-year career. A former world no.1, Agassi went on to etch his name in the annals of tennis history by becoming the first male player ever to achieve the remarkable feat of winning all four Grand Slam titles and an Olympic gold medal. He was also a member of three winning Davis Cup teams in 1990, 1992, y 1995.
Agassi also was notable for the charitable ventures he undertook, including the founding of the Andre Agassi Foundation (1994) to aid at-risk children. This foundation has played a pivotal role in education reform, raising over $180 million. His highly acclaimed autobiography, Open, was published in 2009 and it soared to the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. In recognition of his contributions to the sport, Agassi was rightfully inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2011.
From Talent to High Performance: Strategies for Sustained Success
- Talent is just the start: What it takes to become the best in the world and sustain success over the long term
- Developing the mental strength to give you the edge when the pressure is on
- Getting your team right: Identifying the skills and characteristics you need in those around you
- How to bounce back from the inevitable setbacks, failures and criticisms.
- Setting goals and staying true to yourself: On authenticity and the importance of giving back.
Consistently recognized over the past decade as one of the world’s top global executives, Angela Ahrendts DBE is best known for her tenure as Senior Vice President at Apple Retail and for her nine years as CEO at Burberry. At Apple, Ahrendts was responsible for integrating Apple’s physical and digital businesses, creating a seamless customer journey for over a billion visitors a year and re-crafting roles for 70,000 employees globally. At Burberry she transformed the fortunes of the brand, tripling the business and quadrupling the share price with a focus on culture and values. Ahrendts is currently Chair of the Board of Save the Children and a member of the Board of Directors of Ralph Lauren Corp., Airbnb, WPP, and charity: water.
Leading Change with Humility, Humanity and Heart
- Connecting with people in a way that encourages everyone to shape the future of the organization
- How to convey complex ideas with clarity and authenticity to foster alignment and shared purpose within organizations
- Amplifying human attributes in an artificial world: A new paradigm of leadership to thrive in the age of AI
- Leveraging technology to unleash a new wave of creativity and innovation
Autoridad y referente global en confianza y modelos organizacionales
Stephen M.R. Covey es el autor del bestseller The SPEED of Trust y Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others. He is the former CEO of Covey Leadership Center, which, under his stewardship, became the largest leadership development company in the world. Covey personally led the strategy that propelled his father’s book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva. Se trata, según The CEO Magazine, de una de las obras más influyentes del siglo XX en el ámbito empresarial.
Confiar e inspirar para despertar la grandeza en los demás
- Por qué las reglas del liderazgo tradicional ya no tienen validez
- Confiar e inspirar: un enfoque holístico para desafiar el paradigma de liderazgo de mando y control
- Los cimientos del futuro del trabajo: confianza y colaboración
- Las claves para ser un líder que confía e inspira a sus equipos
Professor of Management and Head of the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Network Research Center at Warwick Business School, Hila Lifshitz-Assaf’s research is centered on understanding scientific and technological innovation in the digital age. Lifshitz-Assaf has received recognition for her work in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for critical decision-making, including the ISSIP Excellence in Service Innovation award in 2023. Before her academic career, she spent seven years as a strategy consultant, specializing in growth and innovation strategies in various industries.
A Inteligência Artificial e o futuro da inovação
- Riesgos y oportunidades de integrar la Inteligencia Artificial en la toma de decisiones
- Estrategias para fomentar la innovación, productividad y resolución de problemas de manera creativa con IA
- El impacto de la IA General en la creatividad e innovación en equipos altamente cualificados
- IA y estrategia de I+D: un cambio de paradigma en la innovación, calidad y resultados
Tony Fadell is an active investor and entrepreneur with a 30+ year history of founding companies and designing products that profoundly improve people’s lives. He is the Principal at Build Collective, an investment and advisory firm coaching deep tech startups. Currently, Build Collective is coaching over 200+ startups innovating game-changing technologies. He is the founder and former CEO of Nest, the company that pioneered the “Internet of Things.” Fadell was the SVP of Apple’s iPod Division and led the team that created the first 18 generations of the iPod and the first three generations of the iPhone. Throughout his career Fadell has authored more than 300 patents. In May 2016, TIME named the Nest Learning Thermostat, the iPod and the iPhone as three of the “50 Most Influential Gadgets of All Time.” He is a bestselling author of BUILD: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making.
An Innovator’s Guide to Making Things Worth Making
- Innovation and how deep tech can change the world
- Learning from failures to creating the iPod and founding Nest
- Addressing consumer needs and pain points: how to approach product development and design
- Strategies for effective leadership and team management to nurture innovation, experimentation and continuous improvement
Experta en el estudio de la felicidad y el bienestar en University of British Columbia
La Dra. Elizabeth Dunn es una destacada profesora de Psicología en la Universidad de British Columbia y una experta líder en el estudio de cómo el tiempo, el dinero y la tecnología influyen en la felicidad. Su trabajo de investigación ha sido publicado en revistas de renombre - incluyendo tres artículos en Science -, y ha aparecido en medios internacionales como The New York Times, The Atlantic y CNN. Dunn es coautora del libro Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending, which has been recognized by the Washington Post as essential reading for leaders.
El poder de las relaciones sociales
- Cómo incrementar la felicidad de los empleados en un entorno laboral en constante evolución
- Estrategias probadas científicamente para construir conexiones sólidas en el trabajo
- Por qué las conexiones personales son un recurso valioso para las organizaciones, especialmente durante los tiempos difíciles
- How artificial interactions affects our feelings of happiness and social connection
- Equilibrar la tecnología y el factor humano: una habilidad esencial para que las empresas incorporen eficazmente herramientas de IA en su estrategia
Marcus Collins es experto en marketing, transmisión cultural, estrategia de marca y comportamiento del consumidor. Es director de estrategia en Wieden+Kennedy New York y profesor de Marketing en la Ross School of Business de la Universidad de Michigan. Además, Collins trabajó como director de Estrategia Digital para Beyoncé.
His acclaimed book For The Culture: The Power Behind What We Buy, What We Do, and Who We Want to Be analiza la influencia de la cultura en el consumo y revela las pautas para influir en el comportamiento del consumidor. Collins ha recibido los premios 40 Under 40 de Advertising Age y Crain's Business 40 Under 40. Recientemente se ha incorporado al Advertising Hall of Achievement de American Advertising Federation.
El futuro de las marcas
- La cultura como motor del comportamiento del cliente y cómo pueden aprovecharla las marcas
- The underlying physics of how culture works and how to leverage its way to get people to take action
- What it takes for brands to effectively engage with communitiesl
- Consumir como acto cultural: qué significa y qué implica para las marcas del mañana
- From Beyoncé to the Fortune 500: Sharing practical lessons from the field